Three Month’s Worth of Cheep Trills

Chirped by Tina and Cass

The holidays have come and gone, and you know what that meant? We were just too busy to post our monthly favorites – not only for December, but for November as well! How did that happen?? Between the boys being home from school, travels to relatives, relatives traveling to us, holiday shopping, decorating, cooking… you name it, the usual seasonal craziness…. we got a little off track. So here is a selection of our highlights for November, December and January!

Favorite Throwback to Days Gone By (Cass)

One of our family traditions is to visit Easton, PA. My grandparents on both sides lived there, as well as my parents and I until I was five years old. Many special memories are Continue reading

Packing for a Scrapbooking Weekend

Chirped by Cass (& Tina)


Tina and I are both avid scrapbookers.  I’m a classic paper, stickers and photo album scrapper while Tina has moved into digital albums. If you’ve been living under a rock for some time you might not have realized that scrapbooking “retreats” are a thing. (-; Groups can rent out locations – might be a private rental home, hotel conference room, convention center, or even cruise ship event room, and get together for an extended period of time devoted entirely to catching up on their photo albums! The locations usually provide cropping tables to Continue reading

New Year – New Vision Board

Chirped by Cass

January is the beginning of a new year – time to make new resolutions and reflect on last year’s Vision Board. Obviously a lot of “life” happens and some goals are achieved, some get waylaid, some are forgotten and some goals (due to circumstance) can totally change in a year.

13 Inspiration BoardWhat is a Vision Board? I am such a visual person, I really need a way to put my goals on display…somewhere I can view them every day – a collection of my ideas and inspirations. Last year I was intrigued by a post I saw on Pinterest about making a vision board, and decided to give it a try. Continue reading