Yarn Blooming

Vision-Board---Tina-center-hiliteChirped by Tina

“Share Your Gifts” and Create  These two inspirations, nestled in the center of my 2018 vision board, are perfectly embodied by volunteering for a yarn bomb!  Don’t worry, I didn’t know what a yarn bomb was either until a couple of months ago, but the nearby town of Perkasie is assembling an Earth Day “Yarn Bloom” (doesn’t have the negative connotations of a “bomb”) to temporarily adorn one of their parks. They’re wrapping trees, poles, benches, fences, etc. in yarn creations to be on display for a month. It will make for a colorful backdrop for their Earth Day celebration activities on April 21, as well as a teaser Continue reading

March’s Cheep Trills

Chirped by Cass and Tina

A new list of highlights from our month – things we’re happy about and/or would recommend!


  • Two Book Clubs, two books! A Long Way Home by Saroo Brierley, is the memoir that the movie Lion was based on –  the amazing story of a 5 year old boy who gets irretrievably lost in Calcutta, ends up being adopted by a family in Australia, and eventually finds his way back home to rural India as an adult using Google Earth!

The Boys in the Boat, by Daniel James Brown, is another true story, about how an unlikely  group of gritty Continue reading