Hosting a Vision Board Party

13 Inspiration Board


Chirped by Cass

While putting together my own vision board, I decided it would be fun to do it as a group activity with some friends.

For an explanation of how to create the vision board itself, click on this link!  Creating a Vision Board 


The Invitation – I sent out the invitation several weeks in advance, to give my guests Continue reading

Creating a Vision Board


Chirped by Cass


It’s early yet in 2018, and still a good time to set your intentions for the rest of the year.  I wanted to do something new with my annual resolutions.  Come January, I always list my goals for the year in my journal, close the book and put it away in my drawer.  Next January rolls around and out comes the journal: I look at what I wrote down the previous year, see if anything got done or changed, and then create my list again for the new year.

But what did I really accomplish with my list?  Who knows…it was stuck in my drawer.  Did I pull it out during the year and see if I was on track with any of my goals?  No!  So this year, I decided I needed to change the routine and create something different.  I am Continue reading

First Chirp!

Well, here it is, the first real post of our new blog, Two Flew Over the Empty Nest. (A post much anticipated by as many as four possibly over-eager followers! ) We’re Cass and Tina, two mama birds in search of great new projects to line our nests with now that our chicks have flown the coop. We figure it might be fun to share our discoveries with all the other birds out there – and maybe get some leads back if we’re lucky! We hope you’ll bear with us as we figure out this whole blogging and webpage navigation thing. It’s new territory for us, so we’re just going to poke around until we eventually get the bugs out… c(-;  Thanks for stopping by!

Happy Chirping!

Tina & Cass